Monday, March 21, 2011


Really don't think His beat is Gordon Gecko's beat on Wall Street.Sorry Gordon. When the Lord talks on options, futures, derivitives, puts, calls, He has other far more life relevent meanings for you and me on Main Street.Your daily questions to the Lord do involve options life offers you, futures that may lie in store, actions you take often have their derivitive roots in prior situations, you may be asking about what to put in your life now. and ...the Lord invites your daily calls. So ask the Lord on the real down to earth tough. meaningful questions while living on the LORD'S BEAT..MAIN STREET.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Is it not a comfort to feel he, she. or they are in your corner ones you can count on. Apart from family, this could be a trusted family doctor, an auto mechanic that gets your car going, the plumber fixing that bad leak, a neighbor with the right added meal ingredients when unexpected quests arrive, a friendly computer geek....etc. No need to worry with these folks around. But, I have some tough questions that come my way, seems like daily, these folks can not answer. So, added help is needed. One I know can help is the'T WORRY, HE'S HERE.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Need a new car, TV, home, furniture, duds, home re-decorating, AC, golf clubs, tennis equipment, computer, video player... oh boy my fingers are tired of typing an endless list. We all want the best we can get. Ever see a bumper sticker telling you to Get The Worst You Can Get? Is so, call me colect now. All of the above items boil down to choices.. not reaching into the bag of real life questions that can have a strong impact on our daily life. We can all do the homework to get the best choices..winning some loosing some. But, when real questions come up, we need reliable answers from one we know and trust in such questions. Come on now,Gene, is this another pitch? You betcha, the BEST YOU CAN GET IS THE LORD. Why not start talking today?

Monday, March 7, 2011


In prior times I hid behind a mike doing commercial and public service spots, no not anymore. But when this concept came my more public service spot comes my way. Their goal inspires a three day armistace, right, a layiing down of arms worldwide for a little three day period. Then increasing only two more days a year thereafter. This is my understanding, anyway.Freedom. armistace, peace..all spell great news ahead for all people. They are kicking off a low cost series of fund raising concerts beginning April 8th at the Florida Theatre in Gainesville, Florida. Hear their signature song,"Together We Are One", and witness initial unvailing of their official flag. Peace in our time ain't bad folks. Well, back with Talk With The Lord next time.. As in comercials, But Wait, The Lord is here today. Who spoke about "The Prince of Peace" in the first place?


Friday, March 4, 2011


Awile ago a Very Special Lady(VSL) brought a hand carved wood image with each letter of INSPIRE having its own space. Recently, I asked VSL if she had ever seen this image since. No, it's one of a kind, something special, I guess. I have it displayed in the LR on top of the entertainment cabinet..easy to see daily. One definition of inspire is to provide positive motivation. In attempting to talk with the Lord, some feel gun shy in asking that first question. This seems to happen more in cases of abuse. So they need a dose of inspiration being directed to them from those stronger,who they know. May I solicit your help in reaching out to inspire those who need positive motivation.. Yes, Desire To Inspire.. a win win deal.