Monday, March 7, 2011


In prior times I hid behind a mike doing commercial and public service spots, no not anymore. But when this concept came my more public service spot comes my way. Their goal inspires a three day armistace, right, a layiing down of arms worldwide for a little three day period. Then increasing only two more days a year thereafter. This is my understanding, anyway.Freedom. armistace, peace..all spell great news ahead for all people. They are kicking off a low cost series of fund raising concerts beginning April 8th at the Florida Theatre in Gainesville, Florida. Hear their signature song,"Together We Are One", and witness initial unvailing of their official flag. Peace in our time ain't bad folks. Well, back with Talk With The Lord next time.. As in comercials, But Wait, The Lord is here today. Who spoke about "The Prince of Peace" in the first place?


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